Front Row Lecture Series

Learn from the World’s Leading Scientists

Scripps Research scientists step out of the lab and onto the stage to share the fascinating stories behind their latest discoveries.

Regenerative medicine involves harnessing the body’s own capacity to repair tissues and organs. In this free Front Row lecture, Associate Professor Michael Bollong shared how he is identifying and targeting the pathways controlling regeneration. By combining traditional drug discovery tools with modern biological techniques, Bollong and his lab are developing novel medicines that can intervene in the processes that cause a spectrum of human diseases and medical conditions, including heart disease, inflammatory disease and fibrosis.

Presented: July 17, 2024

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Our Front Row Lecture Series encompasses the depth and breadth of modern science. Take a journey inside the human brain to learn how reactions to emotions can shape behavior. Circle the globe to discover how Scripps Research scientists are helping countries outsmart outbreaks. And get a first-hand look at the future of personalized medicine. Whatever your interest, you’ll find a Front Row lecture to enjoy.

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